Fine for fishing at night in Asturias

Attention fishermen! Have you ever dreamed of catching the biggest fish under the silver cloak of night in Asturias? Or simply enjoy the tranquility of the darkness, with the rod in hand, waiting for something to bite?

But what if we told you that this practice can have consequences and that you can receive a fine for fishing at night In asturias? Keep reading and discover all the details!

Fine for fishing at night in Asturias
Fine for fishing at night in Asturias

The regulation of night fishing in Asturias

Night fishing, although it sounds attractive, is not allowed in all parts of Spain. Particularly, Asturias follows a conservationist line, which implies certain rules and limitations to preserve aquatic fauna. Specifically, Fishing at night in this community is not allowed in most cases, with some exceptions that we will detail later.

How much is the fine for fishing at night in Asturias?

Let's get to the point, which is what is surely eating your mind: You wonder How much is the fine for fishing at night in Asturias? It depends on the degree of the violation committed, but the penalties can vary between 200 to 3000 euros. Additionally, you could receive the withdrawal of your fishing license for a certain period of time.

Of course, we want to prevent you from falling into these types of problems. Therefore, we explain what this regulation consists of, so that every fishing lover knows the implications of disobeying it.

The exceptions for fishing on Asturian nights

Although the general rule is that You cannot fish at night in Asturias, there are some exceptions. It is possible to carry out night fishing for certain types and in some areas. To do this, it is necessary to know in depth the current legislation and the specificities of each place, so we always recommend that you inform yourself before venturing out to fish at night.

The regulations may vary from year to year. Generally, the closed season and the catalog of waters suitable for salmon, trout and trout fishing are published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Asturias (BOPA). This way, you can check the exceptions and adjust to them to avoid possible setbacks.

Tips for responsible and safe fishing

Finally, it is important that you always carry out a responsible fishing, respecting the established regulations and bans. Here, we leave you some tips:

  1. Always check current regulations.
  2. If you have questions, check with your local fishing authorities to confirm if you can fish in a certain area and time.
  3. Keep your fishing license up to date.
  4. Make sure you know and respect the authorized species and sizes.
  5. Avoid littering and always leave the environment as you found it.

To finish, remind you of the famous saying among fishermen: «Patience is the best bait». So be patient, respect the rules and you will see that your fishing experience will be rewarding and full of good catches.

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