Breaking the octopus ban in Asturias: What you should know before jumping into the sea

Are you planning to embark on a fishing adventure in the waters of Asturias, with the hope of catching octopus? There are several regulations that you should know to obtain the best sport fishing experience, and above all, to respect the precious marine life.

In this article, we are going to highlight everything you need to know about the octopus ban in Asturias for recreational fishing.

Where to Fish for Octopus in Asturias
Where to Fish for Octopus in Asturias

Knowing the Regulation of the Octopus Ban in Asturias

The closed season is a period during which it is prohibited to capture certain types of shellfish or fish to allow their reproduction. In Asturias, there are several regulations that have been implemented to protect the octopus population.

Area of ​​application

The regulations are applicable in the autonomous waters of Asturias for shellfish harvesting. Within these, a management plan is established that includes specific rules for fishing.

Closed periods

There are two closed periods for the capture of common octopus. The first, known as the management plan, runs from June 16 to December 14, 2024.

The ban ends completely on July 15. Refering to octopus sport fishing in Asturias, the ban is from January 1 to February 29 and from November 1 to December 31, 2024.

Minimum Catch Weight

If you plan to catch octopus, make sure it weighs at least 1kg. That is the minimum allowed.

Restrictions and Schedules in Octopus Sport Fishing

The management plan is crucial to guarantee the sustainability of the fishing resource. An essential part of this objective includes ensuring that octopus catches do not exceed the average total latent productivity of the stock.

Fishing Schedules

It is important to remember that only daytime fishing is allowed, and boats must return to port before 17:00 p.m. Fishing is prohibited from 17:00 p.m. on Friday until 24:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Use of Rigs

The only gear permitted for capturing octopus as a target species is the octopus pot. Likewise, the maximum number of pots per boat is 125 per crew member up to a maximum of 350 per boat.

Catch Quota

The maximum catch quota for the 2023/2024 campaign will be 10.000 kg per vessel. In addition, a maximum total catch quota for the campaign of 192 tons is established.

In short, if your passion is recreational octopus fishing in Asturias, make sure you understand the rules well before jumping into the sea. Remember, good fishing practice not only protects octopus populations but also gives you a great fishing experience.

We finish this tour with a phrase to reflect on: "A good fisherman knows that the sea does not give octopuses to those who offer it sardines." Let's respect the closed seasons, take care of our seas and our resources so that our future generations can also enjoy this magnificent practice that is fishing.

Continue visiting our articles to stay up to date with all regulations and enjoy your favorite activity responsibly.

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