You can fish in Cantabria with a license from the Basque Country

La fishing license in an essential document for fishing andeither on the coast or mainland.

Each community issues its own fishing licenses for all those interested in carrying out a legal practice and in accordance with the norm, whether it is sports, from a boat, underwater or commercial-artisanal.

But what happens when I want to leave my autonomous community and carry out my internship in another since I go on vacation or when I go fishing in spaces shared by communities, such as reservoirs or, much more commonly, the same coast as between Cantabria and the Basque Country? Let's discover in this post what the official provisions dictate in this regard.

You can fish in Cantabria with a license from the Basque Country
You can fish in Cantabria with a license from the Basque Country

Is it possible to fish in Cantabria with a license from the Basque Country?

Types of licenses

For fishing in Spanish territory, there are various types of licences, among the most requested are those for maritime and continental fishing.

License application in each Autonomous Community

Fishing licenses are issued by the Ministry of the Environment, which has its offices in each of the Autonomous Communities.

The application in each community of the respective fishing license is mandatory, complying with the requirements, tariffs and regulations that each one imposes in this regard.

The request for the fishing license is the commitment that the fisherman makes to know and respect everything related to sustainable practice, closed periods, gear and others related to fishing in his specific autonomous community.

Validity of licenses in other autonomous communities

When the recreational sea fishing license is requested in any of the autonomous communities of Spain, these, according to the current law, are valid for the entire national territory. That is, with the license of an autonomous community I can do the practice in another community, but only in what refers to coastal fishing.

Can I fish in Cantabria with a license from the Basque Country?

As observed in the previous section, yes, having the license of the Basque Country it is possible to do fishing legally in Cantabria, but only at the coastal level, that is, sea fishing.

However, it is very possible that when meeting with some authority this could cause some problems since, although it is in full order, it is sometimes known that these impasses occur with some authorities who warn people.

However, Fishing along the entire Spanish coast is possible with the license you have obtained andn your community, but specifically for sea fishing

Requirements to apply for the fishing license

The application for the recreational fishing license can be made either inland/river or sea electronically or in person.

Only the respective application form must be requested, which must be completed with all the data requested there.

The corresponding payment of the fee must be made as appropriate: over 16 years of age, under 16 years of age, older adults.

The proper proof of payment and a copy of the DNI must be added to this application to obtain the license either for one year or for the 3 or 5 years that each community determines.

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