You Can Fish at Night in Aragon

La night fishing It is one of the most challenging and interesting, since in addition to the challenge of searching for the fish itself, the weather conditions and the visibility of the space are added, which minimize the range of action and even add a component of danger to it.

However, night fishing attracts many athletes, especially those with more experience who see in practice a challenge to overcome.

En Aragon, night fishing is not highly regarded, is the annual bulletin of the General Fishing Plan, it is specified that fishing time corresponds to one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset according to the schedule managed by the National Geographic Institute, this for each of the Aragonese provinces.

You can fish at night in Mequinenza, Aragon
You can fish at night in Mequinenza, Aragon

Is it possible to fish at night in Aragón?

No, according to the regulations there is a community-wide night fishing ban. However, in the competitions The clarification must be made for the practices prior to the same or during the activity, such as the Carpfishing championships that usually last 72 hours and they are performed many times in the “Sea of ​​Aragon”, it is because of the reservoir Mequinenza and its different aspects such as Cinca, Ebro and Segre, even up to Reboot.

Measures for night fishing

Although night fishing is not allowed, we are going to leave you some tips that you can put into practice in those areas where it is allowed:

  • Make sure you always wear warm clothing, preferably thermal,
  • If it is possible to have a change of clothes in case the pieces that are worn get wet, much better.
  • The recommended against with some type of lighting that can help you to verify your surroundings and review all your material.
  • It is always necessary to communicate the fishing area, this in order to keep someone you trust informed in case of eventualities.
  • Preferably never fish alone.
  • The baits and other arts set by the regulations of the community or the preserve where you are must always be respected.
  • It is essential to carry the respective fishing license with you.
  • Before doing the night shift, try to rest and be fresh for those hours of fishing.
  • Always carry plenty of drinking water and include a snack to spend the day in the best possible way.
  • As something essential is to seek not to contaminate the environment, always collecting the garbage that may be generated.
  • Respect, above all, biodiversity and nature.

Why does the night attract sport fishermen?

The night is one of the most interesting times for fishing, the reason for this is that after sunset many of the species are activated to look for their food, this because in the heat of the day they tend to slow down the activity.

Night fishing then becomes an opportunity to get better bites of various species, at a time that is much calmer and cooler and has the great advantage of not having much competition.

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