Where to Fish for River Crayfish

In relation to the crab fishing, an important distinction must be made: at the level of the autochthonous species, the white-legged crayfish, a currently protected species due to its decline.

Moreover fishing as such of crab is allowed from the so-called red crayfish, aka american, very distinguishable by its color and is the one that abounds for consumption.

The controversy that arises is the invasion that this kind of Red crab to the native species, given this we have that the types of crayfish What is posible fish are “sign or red” and “marshes”. These can be fished without problem and without the need to release them.

Given this, it should be noted east fishing order year allows the capture of these exotic species of crabs, red and marsh, both without quota and without size, and throughout the season from July to December.

Where to Fish for Crayfish in Madrid
Where to Fish for Crayfish in Madrid

River Crab Fishing

We recommend some zones or stretches that stimulate the crab fishing of river, yes, with the care that if the native species is obtained, it must be returned immediately

Cofio River

Although it counts as a closed zone for some species of fish, the fishing of the Red crab. It is recommended for fishery of this species the visit to the Puente Romano sectors and also the section that goes from Valdemaqueda to Robledo.

Pear Trees River

Another area that has a fishing ban because it is a fragile ecosystem that they want its species to recover, except that if the two varieties of crabs already mentioned: red and mudflats. The confluence of the Oncalada stream is specifically recommended as a perfect spot for fishing.

There are other rivers that also have good populations of red or salt marsh crabs and that despite the existence of a ban, it is precisely these exotic species that are allowed to fish without the need for the practice of “catch and release”. Let's see:

Tagus River

In collaboration with its own Aranjuez Fishermen's Society, of which the river is a part, it has been determined that only one way fishing for red crabs is allowed, the species that has the greatest presence here. That is why it is a very good space to access this species and carry out the practice in a calm and productive way.

Manzanares River

In the population of Brown of Mingorrubio, belonging to its own Region of Madrid it is possible to find a very good population of Red crab. Given this, your fishing would be easy and an excellent opportunity to tour the area.

We hope that these recommendations are very useful, and although they may not be the only spaces, they are an initial guide for the search for this species. Good fishing and better use of this crab.

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