Where to Fish for Barbels in Madrid

El barbel It is one of the species with more attractive in the practice of fishing. The name groups several species and sometimes making a good classification can generate controversy and discussion. Nevertheless in Spain you can find good specimens and with good dimensions that make it perfect for fishing.

Justly the attraction of the barbel is the fight they usually give. Perhaps this is exactly what fishing lovers like, that level battle between man and animal that puts both the beginner and the experienced fisherman to use all his knowledge, skill and ingenuity.

Are you interested in knowing those fishing areas in Madrid where to locate barbos good size for your practice? Join us in the following lines.

Where to Fish for Barbels in Madrid
Where to Fish for Barbels in Madrid

Barbos in Madrid: the ideal fishing areas

As you know, there are species that are concentrated and proliferate in some sectors more than in others. In this note we want to highlight three of them, very accessible to the capital and that have a good assortment of species, including barbels, for you to carry out your activity. Let's see:

old bridgess

This reservoir is well known by the fishermen of the the Region of Madrid. It gained its fame thanks to the good trout fishing, something that in a certain way also served for the deterioration of this species thanks to the overfishing that resulted in the reduction of the fishing months and in which it became a closed area for this species. fishing.

However, for some time now other species have proliferated that have allowed fishing to be directed towards them, one of them being the population of barbos. It was thanks to her own Sierra Fishing Association – North that this sector has been recovered for various species, including barbels.

As it is considered an area of ​​controlled waters, the barbel fishing should be done with “catch and release”. This to preserve this species that with so much work has been able to recover part of its habitat.

Distance from Madrid: about 77 km; that is, almost an hour's journey from the capital to the sector.

El Atazar

This pool of water is very close to Madrid. Its main attraction is black bass fishing and, of course, the barbel. Its clear and calm waters ensure excellent fishing. The use of fly is recommended for the fishing of this abundant species of the sector.

Distance from Madrid: about 88 km by road; that is, almost an hour and fifteen minutes of travel from the capital to the sector.

the mouther

An ideal reservoir for barbel fishing since they are very abundant in this sector. Bottom fishing, fly fishing or also light casting is allowed.

The biggest attraction of bards of this reservoir is its large size, without a doubt a very appetizing prey to test your skills in this sport.

Distance from Madrid: between 55 to 69 km; the estimated travel time from the capital to the sector is 50 minutes per hour.

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