Types of River Hooks

River fishing usually requires hooks that can be strong to catch the prey, such as trout or salmon, but that at the same time can help if the modality that is being practiced is fishing without death.

For the river there are hooks that usually work much better than for the sea, since the type of water and the current of the rivers do not require that we need a hook that must be resistant in these conditions, but it does have to be effective.

Let's review some of the suggestions we have in mind for this type of fishing and choose the one that goes with our technique and type of fish to look for.

Types of River Hooks
Types of River Hooks

Types of River Hooks

Talking about hooks is introducing us to a super wide world that leads us into a thousand nuances that speak of hardness, size, tip types and even their shape. However, let us try to detail some of the hooks that, according to these guidelines, are usually used for river fishing:


This type of lure with its curved hook with a sharp tip and ideal hardness for fish with strong jaws, is ideal for attracting species due to the flashes it usually throws and the dance that is usually given with the movement of the rod. For freshwater fishing spinning is ideal to try to catch trout.

We have them with hooks specially designed for fishing without death and they are really useful and allowed for a true type of sport fishing.


An ideal modality for both saltwater and freshwater fishing. The jigs are really hard and leaded, this is because they are used a lot for the type of vertical fishing. They usually have a very striking and colorful shape, sometimes with feathers to attract fish.

The combination of live bait in the hook of the curved type with the lure itself, usually gives very positive results at the time of fishing.


In this type we find models that range from shads or twists, as well as worm imitations or even frogs. They are one of the most convenient for freshwater fishing, because they are striking and have great details.

flies and nymphs

Of those preferred in fresh water, the best thing is that the fly or nymph can be designed on the hook itself, this being more curved or straight, depending on the fish of interest. Now, if you are fishing without death, a fine fly hook comes in handy to catch salmon or trout without harming them.

Long leg hooks

They are ideal for worm or worm fishing. These allow stringing these in a practical way and taking advantage of the length of the hook as much as possible to have this bait pressed as well as possible to facilitate its use.

double hooks

They are perfect to use when using frog for fishing, this increases the possibility of keeping the bait pressed and, at the same time, catching the fish once it has bitten.

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