How to Raise Worms for Fishing: Save Money and Improve Your Catches!

Have you been spending money buying worms for fishing every time you feel the call of the river? How would you like to have your own infinite supply of worms at home?

In this article we will reveal to you how to raise worms for fishing, an invaluable resource for any angler.

how to raise earthworms for fishing
how to raise earthworms for fishing

The basics of worm farming

Before we get into the details of how to make worms for fishing, let's talk a little about these wonderful organisms. Worms are incredibly beneficial creatures for the soil and therefore for our fishing activity. There are different types of worms for fishing, although the most used is the earthworm, known scientifically as Eisenia fetida.

How to raise earthworms for fishing?

Creating a favorable environment is essential when it comes to how to make a worm farm for fishing. These are the basic steps:

  1. Prepare the container: A plastic or wooden container can be used, although the latter is preferable for its ability to absorb excess moisture. The size will depend on the number of worms you want to raise.
  2. Create the worm bed: Worms need a medium to live. It can be compost, dry leaves, cardboard and wet newspaper. Ideally, this material should have a depth of between 15 to 25 centimeters.
  3. Introduce the worms: You can buy them in fishing stores, places where they sell worms for fishing or even online. The initial population doesn't need to be huge, a couple hundred is enough.
  4. Food: The ideal food for your worms is organic remains from your kitchen. Fruit, vegetables, eggshells, coffee… they will eat almost anything!
  5. Maintenance: Balance is key in caring for worms. They should not receive too much light or heat, and their food should be moderate to avoid bad odors.

Buying worms

If you're in a hurry to fish and don't have your own hatchery yet, you might be wondering. where to buy worms for fishing. Today, many fishing lures can be purchased in specialized fishing stores, pet stores and even large supermarkets. To buy online, Amazon and eBay offer endless options.

Raise worms for fishing It is a much simpler and more rewarding process than you can imagine. And believe me, fresh, live bait makes a difference in the quality and quantity of the catches.

"Every day of fishing is a good day of fishing." And if you also fish with worms raised by yourself, it will be even more so. Feel free to check out our other related articles to learn more fishing tips and tricks.

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