How to Fish Alligator

El alligator or alligator It is a ccrocodile belonging to the alligator family. It is more closely related to alligators, such as its snout, for example, but given some characteristics it is placed in the order of crocodiles. Its habitat is located more towards the south america area, specifically towards Brazil. However, also it is possible to find it in Central America.

It can reach up to 3 meters in length, although these measures are exceptionally rare. With a moderately bulky body, its weight can be perfectly located at 90 kilos. It has a mottled coloration on its skin that is an intense green.

How to fish alligator
How to fish alligator

What does the Yacaré feed on?

You like to live in areas that are located near wooded areas, but where the courses of water have a level of salinity that pleases them. Swamps and ponds that are very wet are part of the places where we can get them.

They usually live quietly in their groups, however, in the mating season they tend to be more aggressive and the tension can change the group dynamics.

These animals are born predators, something that is already determining the type of fishing that can be done with them. Among the type of pieces with which they usually feed are creatures like crabs or snails, fish or even opt for small mammals such as rodents. Birds and reptiles are another of the foods that are part of their menu.

alligator fishing

This piece is quite particular to catch. Unlike other specimens, alligators are catches with which you have to be very careful not to get hurt in the fishing process.

Fishing for this specimen can be do catch and release and for this you can use fishing rods without any problem. The use of a powerful rod in the style of the Evergreen brand can come in handy, using a natural lure, which may well be a fish from the area where we fish for alligators.

So you only need to use a trolling or even surfcasting-style fishing in order to attract this specimen and make a clean catch of it. Care must be taken if it is in a boat to be able to upload it quickly and to be able to use a band on its snout, this for security measures.

Fishing for consumption is one of the problems for the population of this species. in Brazil, for example, there is a regulation that prohibits commercial fishing. Even the alligator eggs are threatened by consumption.

On the other hand, alligator poaching is another major problem in maintaining their population. This is because their skin is of interest in the fashion industry and large numbers of specimens are threatened by this.

The recommendation, in addition to taking care of fishing in the areas where the species lives, is to carry out a catch and release activity and review the legislation of the area to avoid problems in the capture of these interesting species.

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