How to Fish with Pellets

The pellets are a nymph modality that seek to resemble various insects. The reason for this is to capture the attention of various continental prey, among which trout stand out.

The tradition of buckshot fishing is very European, boasting its origin in France. In Spain, the use of pellets for fly fishing became popular well into the 2000s, and this is because they are really very effective given their weight, which allows them to sink easily, facilitating fishing of the modality.

most effective fishing pellets
most effective fishing pellets

buckshot fishing

basically the pellets they act as a kind of ballasted nymph. In its design, the weighted head helps it to sink exceptionally, much better than other similar nymphs. In addition to achieving better depths, they are perfectly effective, this is because they tend to call attention to prey and are effective in making bites at the right time.  

It is possible the use of pellets with various types of hookseither straight or curved. It should be sought, yes, that the body is conical in shape, highlighting the head and the beginning of the thorax. It can be used in various colors such as blue or orange to draw the attention of the fish, especially if contrasting tones are used.

Some prefer pellets that have touches of feathers or some iridescent or even fluorescent fibers. When people make their own shot, they often use a variety of materials to give it some shine, such as nail polish or lacquer.

Perdigon fishing technique

To use pellets it is only necessary do the practice as you would a regular-use nymph. Initially, it is recommended to launch upstream, allowing the current to cause the pellet to drift naturally downstream.  

In addition to this recommendation, adding a pique or buoy indicator can help us detect possible interest or even be able to regulate the depth of the shot in its use, unless you want to go completely to the bottom as a fishing alternative.   

The use of pellets can be apply to any type of current, it is enough to have the experience in each one of them. Something that could come in handy is the use of #10 hooks and floating lines.

Shot models on the market

Let's review some models of pellets that are in the current market and that asked to be useful at the time of fishing:

  • secret pedigon: one of the most effective for catch-and-release trout fishing.
  • Gasoline pellet: excellent model, created especially for competition. Ideal for river fishing throughout the year.
  • Buckshot pheasant scarf: It is an attractive model with fur details and a very striking orange scarf to attract trout throughout the year.
  • hare's ear shot: It is a classic assembly that is very effective thanks to its design. In addition, it has the advantage of diving quickly, compared to other types of shot.

The recommended thing will be the variation of the pellets in your fishing box and much more in your casts to look for those long-awaited prey in your next fly fishing in the local river.

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