How to Fish with Nekotine

Fishing is not an exclusive activity of the physical world, also in virtuality this ancient art allows users to do various types of fishing in various places such as metaverses or games. Nekotina is just one of those options that are presented on the net to do the fishing.

How to Fish with Nekotine
How to Fish with Nekotine

How to Fish with Nekotine

Nekotina is a bot for Discord that allows you to do countless things within the platform. It is easy to use once you have it installed and, little by little, you learn its commands.

These commands are basically how you interact in Nekotina with other users or to mine minecraft style, where you can get coins, buy items and carry a basic economy of this bot.

Among the various activities that are carried out in Nekotina, such as role-playing or serving as a moderator; the best thing is its remarkable management of the server's own economy. Also, something that can also be done is fishing activities, Just as you read it. And we are almost talking about literal fishing because the basic tool for this is required: the rod.

Something that I really like is that Nekotina is in Spanish and thus, although the commands are originally in English, you get the results in Spanish, that is, it is easy to interact with the bot as such.

To start interacting with the bot and thus be able to use Nekotina perfectly, you need to access the help (Help), the way this works is by adding an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning and the command word that will allow you to the action: !help, and so you can have your first interaction with a basic list of commands to perform actions.

That is exactly what we need to know to start and gradually become familiar with the bot and be able to carry out the activities that will give the coins (coins) that we require and among these the fishing activities can help you.

Fishing in Nekotina to earn coins

As we already mentioned, the part of the economy is what is essential to be able to climb and obtain things in the bot, but, for this, we need money, just as it happens in the real world. There are several ways to obtain it, such as mining or fishing..

Fishing in Nekotina is very simple and only the appropriate commands are required for them. Initially, the economy part must be accessed: !help currency, then it will show the options among which we will find fish. it is only enough to copy or write the command “!fish” so that we can make the option.

However, there is something important, which is have the cane and the own muzzle It will indicate it to you and it will be necessary to acquire one, this in the store (!store) and there we will see what it offers us and when locating the item you only have to copy the purchase command with the item number: “!buy+item number” . And ready you already have the cane.

Once with the rod, it will only be necessary to write again: “!fish” and automatically you will be able to have the result of fishing telling you where you've fished, coins earned and material obtained that will help you upgrade your stuff later.

As a final point remember that depending on the fishing beach it will be the rod to use For this reason, you must be aware of what can be obtained in these places to be able to fish there.

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