How to Fish with Mussels

Among the variety of baits for fishing, the use of mussels is not usually among the first to be selected by fishermen. However, those true connoisseurs of the art of fishing know very well that there are baits that can help save a bad fishing day y the mussel is one of them.

This interesting fishing resource can be presented in various forms and achieve, with all of them, a resounding success. Something that is very appropriate is that it is not an expensive product, so its implementation is totally possible.

mussel fishing
mussel fishing

How are mussels caught?

As we already anticipated mussel fishing is excellentThis is because the fish that like this are varied, multiplying the chances of successful fishing.

What is fished with mussel?

The sea ​​bream and bream, for example, are one of the specimens that could appear on the list of species caught with mussels. However, the list does not stop there, since the mabras and sea bass are other fish that are seduced by this meaty food.

Hooking the mussel for fishing

Something fundamental is to make a good hook so that the bait really has an effect on your fishing. There are several ways to do this, taking into account that the meat could be somewhat soft to support the weight.

Let's see some recommendations What you can try when fishing with mussels:

  1. With small mussels we can seek to introduce the hook directly into the meat, between the shells, making a few turns to ensure it as best as possible.
  2. When using larger pieces, the hook can be threaded several times, making a kind of "sewing" with the meat.
  3. There is another technique that requires a previous step. Bringing it to a boil so that they open naturally and then salting can work perfectly to give the meat more consistency. It is necessary to make a tie to guarantee that it stays on the hook.
  4. You can opt for this technique and use only the mussel meat, without the shell.
  5. Going back to the original mussel, another way of making the hook is to carefully open it as much as possible and remove some of the meat from the shell only to a certain point that it is hanging and then thread the hook. The interior can be filled with fishing putty to give it greater consistency, safety and weight and then use it with the chosen technique.

How to do mussel fishing?

Mussel fishing can be done either with quaver float or surfcasting. For the quaver it will be recommended to use smaller mussels and hook them as indicated above, inserting the hook into the meat and securing the mussel.  

For surfcasting fishing, a larger mussel may be suitable and secure it a little more, this to ensure that it is maintained during casting and retrieval.

Let's not forget that, by getting your mussels and using them directly without cooking, must be hydrated them with water from the same area.

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