How to Fish with Hook and Worm

As iconic figures of fishermen, in addition to the rod, the hook and the typical earthworm can summarize what the activity itself is: an opportunity to do a simple, basic and natural technique to catch fish.

As bait the worms have been pioneers in the elections that the fishermen They make each day about what bait to use for their sports days. As with others such as worms, roundworms are usually very simple to use, easy to get and admitted in all communities and other areas where they fish.

Attracting good pieces using worms as bait is always a winning selection and you will not find any fisherman who has not tried at least once or in his beginnings, fishing with worms.

How to Fish with Hook and Worm
How to Fish with Hook and Worm

The worm's choice

No matter what type it is, whether they are common, nocturnal or other varieties, they will always be part of the bait repertoire that a fisherman takes to his fishing day.

The important thing will always be to keep the worms alive and that, by using them, they can fulfill their mission. Getting them will be very easy in the different fishing stores of your locality, however, do not forget that if you are a prolific fisherman or you are looking for an alternate income, worm farms are a perfect option to have your own supply, fattened your way.

Something that is important is that, even though technology and the market as such bring to light multiple artificial lures that can be tempting, the fact that live bait continues to be used does not attend to anything more than functionality, practicality and utility of it.

Fishing with live bait: the protagonist earthworm

In fresh water, worms are used to fish multiple species (catfish, trout, perch and many more) and doing it properly only requires basic experience and a lot of love for the activity itself.

For fishing it will be necessary to take some of the earthworms of your choice and select the one you see most tempting to start your casts. Only it will suffice to stick or pierce the hook in a part of this, however, it will be necessary to ensure that it is well secured since we can run the risk of the fish pulling it off the hook or that it simply falls off before attracting any fish.

Some prefer to make a nail of several laps in the worm, almost imitating a needle threading, this can help it not get lost or that the fish can take it without even allowing us to bite.

There are people that inject or seek to inflate the worm, this so that it floats and you can take better advantage of the day by not going all the way.

Another technique for the use of earthworms is seek to cover something the hook, some find it ideal to tempt some species.

As a recommendation, it will be handled with care to get the most out of its use. Take advantage of the fact that they are very cheap baits and that they give, in the end, beautiful and prolific fishing in any area where you decide to use them.

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