How to Fish for Oysters

If you are one of those who believes that fish molluscs It's just getting into the water, taking it out, adding lemon and that's it, you're very wrong. Fishing for shellfish and many other species has its complexities, and requires time, patience and the ability to dive many meters deep.

On this occasion, we want to talk to you about how to fish oysters, you will see that they are the simplest, but you can do it. To do this, we will leave you with some tips and recommendations that will be quite useful for you to undertake this fishing adventure. Are you ready?

How to fish for oysters
How to fish for oysters

How to fish for oysters

The oysters are bivalve molluscs, of the genus of true oysters, and are characterized by their high gastronomic value.

Some fishermen use small boats or pangas of about 4 to 6 meters in length to go fishing. These boats use an outboard motor, or simply oars, which allows them to remove oysters by bare hands at low tide, or while diving.

Another alternative to fish for oysters is using glasses, which are two rakes approximately 2,5 to 5 meters long. These are joined by a clamp, and are manipulated, introducing them openly into the waters, in which there are oyster shoals. Then they are closed, and the oyster pineapples are attached, which are hoisted by the fishermen, to later dehorn them. That is, clean each oyster of all adhesions and hatchlings.

Do you think that these alternatives are the only way to catch some good oysters? Well, it is not like that, we will show you one more option.

Tools! Yes, there are some tools that are ideal for oyster fishing, such as the chisel and hammer-type pick. The fisherman enters the water with a chisel attached to the rope, dives to a depth of approximately 3 meters, or more if necessary. He takes the hammer type beak and begins to loosen the oysters from the stones, then they return to the surface and keep them in the net. They do this for a few hours, until they achieve the desired number of oysters.

It is recommended that this activity is not practiced by inexperienced people, as it requires practice and certain skills. For example, the ability to hold your breath, and stay several meters deep.

And that's how oysters are caught!

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