How to Fish for Carp and River Catfish

Carp and catfish or catfish are very different species but they coincide in something: anglers love their catch equally.

Taking advantage of the fact that we are on the river, fishing for these two species is very good for us. But yes, you have to prepare in advance what will be used for each one since the modality varies and we must prepare ourselves for when we discover either of the two.

But if something can help us to have an idea of ​​the fishing of these two species, it is that both are omnivores, therefore the bait that we use can be varied and will surely guarantee us hours of activity and very good catches.

How to Fish for Carp and River Catfish
How to Fish for Carp and River Catfish

How to Fish for River Carp

Carp are not exactly a fan of currents, therefore river fishing for this species should be pursued clear water areas where the current goes down, wells are made or spaces of vegetation or rocks are found that can help when looking for food.

As general advice, always use the carp's favorite bait, the corn. Arming the line with this or threading directly on the hook can always be synonymous with bites.

Let's not forget that stealth is part of the strategy, since carp are usually quite shy and fussy when browsing what is offered to them.

La fly fishing It is a very good choice for the tent. However, depending on the area, the bottom fishing It is also highly recommended for capturing good sized carp.  

How to fish for catfish in the river

Catfish also search very clear water areas and clean bottoms. Although tempting the catfish with different baits will be very simple, since they have quite a sweet tooth, use the smelly kind it will come in handy.

One tip could be to use the highly fermented corn to attract them and thus take advantage of the same material that is used for the tent. However, fishing live bait it also helps to attract catfish, making it possible to use worms, shrimp, crabs and other small fish.

The fall of the afternoon is very good to spot catfish, this because they avoid the heat of the day. As at night some tents are also activated, because the schedule will come in handy for this one.

The rod for catfish must be long, and the use of 0,2 lines could also be convenient since they are usually very strong in combat.

If you are in rivers that allow navigation, some fishermen recommend trawling. Here a stinky sebum could come in handy, both because of the type of water body and because of the movement of the boat.

Both carp and catfish can be found in the river bends, and if there are unevenness better, this is where the sediments can settle and thus attract their possible prey.

Whether it's carp or catfish, being prepared to catch either species is a fun activity from preparation to fishing itself.

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