How to Fish Big Bream

How does fishing for big bream? Understanding that this species rarely exceeds 45 cm in length. Hey! But it is not impossible to get good-sized specimens, it is only necessary to fish in the right area.

But how do you know where to fish for big bream? Knowing your habits. We anticipate that adults usually wander alone. We won't tell you more! Continue reading and find out for yourself.

How to fish for big bream
How to fish for big bream

How to Fish Big Bream

Artisanal and sport fishermen enjoy spending their fishing days catching bream. Implemented a series of techniques that are effective according to the area from which you are fishing.

You should know that bream, commonly measures between 40 and 45 cm in length, and can weigh up to 1 kg. However, slightly larger and heavier specimens have rarely been caught.

Breams are characterized by their beautiful, shiny, oval, laterally compressed body, with a strong forked caudal fin. And not to mention its 8 powerful incisors, which will surely intimidate you when you see them.

Breams feed mainly on small crustaceans, molluscs and smaller fish, and on some occasions, algae.

Generally, bream frequent depths from 50 cm, and tend to move in schools of up to 10 individuals. Their refuge is usually the faults or rock cavities, even under the rocks. Where they spend a large part of the day taking refuge, especially in periods of inactivity.

At night, the bream come out of their dens in search of food, therefore it is the best time to capture them.

How to fish big bream? If you know their habits, you can achieve this in various ways.

You can fish large bream from a boat to the bottom, since the largest specimens tend to be in slightly deeper waters. You just have to bait the hook with the correct bait, cast the hook into the water and wait for it to reach the desired depth. Try to fish in rocky areas or cliffs, where they usually take refuge.

Another option is to surfcast, even from the shore. Which is the area where adult specimens usually roam.

In both cases, it is essential to bait the area very well, to attract the bream, and use baits on your hooks, which is to their liking.

As for the fishing equipment, make sure that they are resistant rods, with powerful brakes and that you can handle comfortably.

We wish you a successful fishing day, until next time!

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