How to fish for sardines in the sea

How to fish for sardines in the sea? You can't even imagine how easy it is, and the number of specimens you can capture.

It should be noted that there are areas around the European Union, in which sardine fishing is regulated. Here we will tell you everything, so you can plan a day of sardine fishing, without problems.

How to fish for sardines in the sea
How to fish for sardines in the sea

How to fish for sardines in the sea

Sardines are small fish, which can measure between 15 and 20 cm in length, and are quite attractive to look at. Well, they stand out for their combination of white, blue, dark gray and silver colors. With transparent fins and a dark dorsal fin.

A peculiar characteristic of sardines is their slightly protruding jaw and teeth, as well as highly developed fatty eyes.

Sardines in the sea usually feed on zooplankton and phytoplankton, for which they use their gill rakers, with which they retain food.

This species is distributed throughout the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. But, the sardine population is very uneven, according to the area.

Due to the reduction in general biomass and the increase in the sardine catch to be developed, it has led to some changes. The European Union has seen the need to ban fishing for this species in some areas such as Portugal and the Bay of Biscay. In fact, in the Mediterranean Sea this species is considered overexploited.

It should be noted that the sardine is not in danger of extinction, but its fishing is not sustainable, so it affects other species.

The most effective fishing technique for catching sardines is purse seine fishing, ideal for bottom sardine fishing. Large networks are needed for this practice. However, this is not the most used fishing technique.

Since sardines are abundant, and they tend to come close to the coast, you can also catch them by surfcasting. It is an economical, comfortable and ideal method to enjoy the day of captures. As bait, use breadcrumbs, this is quite an effective bait for catching sardines.

Let's go sardine fishing!

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