Height of the Waves in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands have it all. Beautiful and diverse landscapes, areas for recreation of all kinds and for everyone in the family, impressive beaches with private coves and even fishing villages that will delight those who want to enjoy the charm of living and frolicking in front of the sea.

something that is also very generous in the Canary Islands are the waves, the wind does its thing shaking the Atlantic and giving away wonderful waves that reach truly magnificent heights, these very special conditions for those who love surfing and other extreme water sports.

Height of the Waves in the Canary Islands
Height of the Waves in the Canary Islands

Wave height in the Canary Islands

El wind is the great friend of the sea and in the Canary Islands, the union of these plus the force that comes from other areas, causes large waves to occur on all the islands.

The privileged situation of the islands allows the arrival of the waves is estimated between two to four meters, on average.

In the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, for example, they have waves that originate from the lows of Western Europe. Something that also helps the good waves is the same energy that comes from the same east coast of the United States, this more for the summer season when the alder trees produce large waves that usually still arrive with force thanks to the wind itself.

The result of this wonderful confluence is that you can enjoy in the summer seasons of waves that never go below the meter and that easily reach 3 and 4 meters. Something that is perfect for athletes and that is a great challenge for fishermen who enter the waters.

Swell in the Canary Islands

For those who prefer to stay close to the shore or take a dip just putting part of the body in the water, the ideal is to do it in areas where the wind is softer and the waves barely reach the meter. This especially for family beaches where safety must always come first.

Whether your objective is to dodge the waves on your board, cast a rod from the shore or go deep into the water in a fishing boat or just to take a walk along the Canary coast, the recommendation is always do a review of the wind, tides and waves of the day, come on, a weather report is what you should always consult in the Canary Islands.


An excellent website where you can find estimated wave forecast data for the Canary Islands coast. Where it indicates by day and hour the average, minimum and maximum height of the waves, as well as the wind speed, temperatures and rainfall of each island and each coastal point.

Time and Temperature

Another perfect portal to make comparisons and verify the height of the waves of the day, the wind, temperature and humidity of the area.

Nothing better than being aware of the weather in the Canary Islands and thus being able to enjoy whatever you want to do, fishing, beach or surfing, taking a look at those fabulous waves that reach these graceful islands.

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