Fine for Fishing Without a License Andalusia

To perform in all the rule both inland and coastal or sea fishing, it is necessary to have the respective fishing license. The fishing license It is a document that each Autonomous Community issues under certain requirements and that certifies the holder of carrying out his fishing practice in the waters of the sector.

Let's review in the Andalusian community, what are the possible fines for not having the fishing license and how it can be obtained.

Fine for Fishing Without a License Andalusia
Fine for Fishing Without a License Andalusia

How much is the fine for fishing without a license?

La fishery must always be done within the framework of the law. With this we guarantee that we are carrying out an activity that respects the rules, that the natural space is valued and that we are willing to follow the guidelines that the community imposes in terms of fishing.

When you are caught without the respective fishing license, the fisherman incurs a small fault, which is penalized with a fine of between 60 to 600euros.

Now, when the fisherman discovers that he is doing his fishing activity with a falsified documentation the fault incurred is reaction and the fine is between 601 to 4000euros.

A third related option is when the fisherman, being disabled, is doing a fishing activity, this is considered a very serious penalty and we would be in a case where a fine ranging from 4001 to 53500 euros.

Given the seriousness of the sanction, it is up to each fisherman to know what they can be exposed to for not following the regulations that each Autonomous Community carries out in relation to fishing.  

How to request the respective fishing licenses

Remember that you must make the request in each Autonomous Community in particular where you are interested in fishing. And that there are licenses for Continental Waters and Maritime Waters.

for fishing in Continental WatersIn Andalusia it is necessary to undergo a 24-hour course or pass the respective exam. In addition, the corresponding fee must be paid, a form must be filled out in person or online, and the corresponding DNI must be presented.

The license of Maritime waters allows fishing along the entire coast and the waters adjacent to it. With this license, non-transferable, the fisherman acknowledges that he knows the fishing regulations and submits to them.

The sea fishing license for people can be three types:

  1. From land, that is beaches, breakwaters, and others
  2. From boat
  3. Underwater fishing

Additionally, the respective license for own boat. It is clear that all these licenses are issued for sport or recreational fishing and not for commercial fishing.

Something important is that you can request the fishing license by classes, having the following current validity:

  • Fishing Class 1. Staff for the shore
  • Fishing Class 2. Individual from boat.
  • Class 3 Fishing. Collective from boat.
  • Fishing Class 4. Free lung underwater fishing license or also called apnea.

The final recommendation is always to do your license process, renew it when necessary and do the best possible sports practices to avoid unnecessary sanctions or fines.

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