Leon Fishing License

to get you out online fishing license in León, follow the next steps:

Leon Fishing License
Leon Fishing License

How to get the Leon Fishing License Online

  1. Access the website of the Junta de Castilla y León
  2. Select the “Fishing” option and then “Fishing Licenses”.
  3. Enter your personal data and follow the instructions to make the corresponding payment.
  4. Once these steps are completed, you will receive the fishing license in your email.

Fishing license Castilla y León León

If you want to get the fishing license in León in person you have to go to these addresses or call by phone.

  • Avda Peregrinos, s/n (Multipurpose Building). ZIP: 24008 Leon.
  • 987 296 000
  • 987 296 100
  • C/ Ramón González Alegre, 15. ZIP: 24400 Ponferrada. Lion.
  • 987 409 464

As for the types of fishing in León, there are several options:

  1. Trout fishing: In León is the Esla River, one of the most important rivers in the Iberian Peninsula for trout fishing. There are also other rivers and streams where you can practice this type of fishing.
  2. Cyprinid fishing: In the province of León there are numerous reservoirs and lakes where you can find carp, barbel, tench and other types of cyprinids.
  3. Fishing for migratory salmonids: In the Esla River and in other rivers in the region, you can practice fishing for Atlantic salmon and sea lions.
  4. High mountain fishing: Trout and other fish can be found in high mountain lakes, although this activity requires greater physical effort and adequate preparation.